Вратарь и капитан московского ЦСКА Игорь Акинфеев рассказал о причинах ухода Алексея Березуцкого с поста главного тренера армейцев.
The main idea is that Alexei Berezutsky stepped down as head coach of CSKA Moscow because he found the job too emotionally and psychologically demanding.
He felt the pressure of leading the club and felt unable to handle the weight of expectations placed upon him.
Despite achieving positive results in his first season, Berezutsky acknowledged the immense challenges and decided to step back, taking on a less demanding role as assistant coach.
The main idea is that Alexei Berezutsky stepped down as head coach of CSKA Moscow because he found the job too emotionally and psychologically demanding. He felt the pressure of leading the club and felt unable to handle the weight of expectations placed upon him. Despite achieving positive results in his first season, Berezutsky acknowledged the immense challenges and decided to step back, taking on a less demanding role as assistant coach.